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Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Joi 18 Noi 2021, 19:51    Titlul subiectului: Meciuri si rezultate Răspunde cu citat (quote)

Circuitului de calificare – Q Tour – va oferi amatorilor de pretutindeni șansa de a se întrece pentru două locuri în circuitul profesionist, unde vor putea activa timp de cel puțin două sezoane (2022-2023 și 2023-2024). Primul wildcard va fi câștigat de ocupantul primului loc în clasamentul seriei, iar al doilea îi va reveni învingătorului dintr-un play-off cuprinzând 16 jucători.

* Circuitul Q va avea cel puțin patru turnee/sezon. În 2021-2022, toate turneele vor avea loc în Regatul Unit, dar din sezonul viitor se preconizează extinderea geografică – atât cât o va permite frica – prin circuite regionale, organizate / sprijinite de federațiile naționale.

* Turneele vor avea o structură de tip open-entry.

* Turneele vor dura câte trei zile (dacă punem la socoteală și ziua de vineri, destinată uneia sau mai multor runde de calificare pentru ocuparea a 16 locuri pe tabloul competiției) și se vor organiza în timpul weekendurilor.

* Tabloul fiecărui turneu va cuprinde maximum 64 de jucători și va fi alcătuit din primii 40 din clasamentul Q School 2021 plus alți 8 juniori din același clasament plus 16 calificați în preliminariile de vineri.

* Formatul : de la rundele de calificare și până la sferturi – best of 5, sferturile și semifinalele – best of 7, finala – best of 9.

* Fondul de premiere va fi de minimum 12 000 de lire sterline / turneu, iar premiilor celor doi calificați în circuitul profesionist li se va adăuga și un bonus de câte 2 000 de lire sterline.

(Alte informații)

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Joi 18 Noi 2021, 19:52    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


Vineri, 19 noiembrie, Castle Snooker Club, Brighton

Runda preliminară 1

Sergey Isaienko 1–3 Zsolt Fenyvesi
Liam Davies 3–2 George Pragnell
Steve Crowley 0–3 Jordan Shepherd
Connor Benzey 0–3 Phil O'Kane
Abid Manzoor 0–3 Jamie Lashmar
Daniel McGuckin 1–3 Mark Vincent
Halim Hussain 2–3 Manasawin Phetmalaikul
Marc Harman 0–3 Alex Clenshaw
Ryan Thomerson 3–1 Jack Bradford
James Height 1–3 Andrew Milliard
Martyn Taylor 1–3 Daniel Wells
Jack Haley 2–3 Jed Mann
Chae Ross 2–3 Stuart Watson
Fergal Quinn 2–3 Matthew Glasby
Alfie Davies 3–1 Conor Caniff
Brian Ochoiski 3–0 John Fearick
Simon Bedford 3–2 Tyler Rees
Aidan Murphy 3–0 Ronan Whyte
David Morgan 0–3 (w/o) Sean O'Sullivan
Damian Wilks 3–1 Matthew Simpson
Callum Lloyd 3–1 Lee Page
Ronnie Blake 3–2 Andrew Norman
Paul Norris 0–3 Andres Petrov
Alex Davies 3–0 Garry Coulson
Dessie Sheehan 0–3 Alfie Lee
Zac Cosker 2–3 Keishin Kamihashi
Matthew Roberts 3–1 Dylan Smith

Runda preliminară 2

Lee Adams 0–3 Zsolt Fenyvesi
Liam Davies 3–0 Jordan Shepherd
Phil O'Kane 3–0 Jamie Lashmar
Mark Vincent 2–3 Manasawin Phetmalaikul
Jeremy Dorchies 0–3 Alex Clenshaw
Ryan Thomerson 3–1 Andrew Milliard
Daniel Wells 3–1 Jed Mann
Stuart Watson 2–3 Matthew Glasby
Patrick Whelan 2–3 Alfie Davies
Brian Ochoiski 2–3 Simon Bedford
Aidan Murphy 1–3 Sean O'Sullivan
Damian Wilks 0–3 Callum Lloyd
Ronnie Blake 2–3 Andres Petrov
Alex Davies 2–3 Alfie Lee
Vladislav Gradinari 0–3 Keishin Kamihashi
Brandon Hall 3–1 Matthew Roberts


Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Vin 19 Noi 2021, 21:25    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


Sâmbătă, 20 noiembrie, Castle Snooker Club, Brighton

Runda 1

Haydon Pinhey 3–1 Zsolt Fenyvesi
Michael White 0–3 Liam Davies
Sydney Wilson 3–0 Jason Kendrick
Michael Georgiou 3–0 Phil O'Kane
Luke Pinches 3–2 Manasawin Phetmalaikul
Alex Millington 3–1 Alex Clenshaw
Ben Fortey 3–0 Julien Leclercq
Niel Vincent 2–3 Alex Taubman
Daniel Womersley 3–2 Florian Nüßle
David Lilley 3–1 Hamim Hussain
Oliver Brown 1–3 Ryan Thomerson
John Astley 3–2 Tony Knowles
Ryan Davies 3–0 Joshua Cooper
Ross Muir 3–2 Liam Graham
Kuldesh Johal 3–1 Callum Beresford
Mark Lloyd 1–3 Daniel Wells
Leo Fernandez 3–0 Eden Sharav
Billy Joe Castle 3–1 Matthew Glasby
Bai Langning 2–3 Alfie Davies
Ben Mertens 0–3 (w/o) Simon Bedford
James Cahill (w/o) 3–0 Ian Martin
Michael Collumb 3–2 Sean O'Sullivan
Simon Blackwell 3–1 Callum Lloyd
Joshua Thomond 0–3 Harvey Chandler
Si Jiahui 3–0 Lee Shanker
Soheil Vahedi 3–1 Liam Pullen
Brian Cini 2–3 Andres Petrov
Rod Lawler 2–3 Alfie Lee
Robbie McGuigan 3–1 Hayden Staniland
Sanderson Lam 0–3 Brandon Sargeant
Dylan Emery 1–3 Keishin Kamihashi
Saqib Nasir 1–3 Brandon Hall


Haydon Pinhey 0–3 Liam Davies
Sydney Wilson 0–3 Michael Georgiou
Luke Pinches 1–3 Alex Millington
Ben Fortey 3–1 Alex Taubman
Daniel Womersley 1–3 David Lilley
Ryan Thomerson 1–3 John Astley
Ryan Davies 0–3 Ross Muir
Kuldesh Johal 1–3 Daniel Wells
Leo Fernandez 3–1 Billy Joe Castle
Alfie Davies 2–3 Simon Bedford
James Cahill 1–3 Michael Collumb
Simon Blackwell 0–3 Harvey Chandler
Si Jiahui 3–0 Soheil Vahedi
Andres Petrov 0–3 Alfie Lee
Robbie McGuigan 0–3 Brandon Sargeant
Keishin Kamihashi 3–1 Brandon Hall


Liam Davies 3–1 Michael Georgiou
Alex Millington 3–2 Ben Fortey
David Lilley 3–1 John Astley
Ross Muir 1–3 Daniel Wells
Leo Fernandez 1–3 Simon Bedford
Michael Collumb 2–3 Harvey Chandler
Si Jiahui 3–1 Alfie Lee
Brandon Sargeant 2–3 Keishin Kamihashi

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Sâm 20 Noi 2021, 22:24    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


Duminică, 21 noiembrie, Castle Snooker Club, Brighton


Liam Davies 1–4 Alex Millington
24-73(61), 89(89)-1, 31-69, 26-63, 57-81

David Lilley 4–3 Daniel Wells
93(84)-20, 47-57, 31-72(67), 74-38, 1-92(78), 70(50)-39, 76(66)-1

Simon Bedford 4–0 Harvey Chandler
62-55, 82(50)-0, 73-46, 75(64)-51

Si Jiahui 4–1 Keishin Kamihashi
98(51)-5, 27-71, 56-53, 78-33, 77(61)-36


Alex Millington 0–4 David Lilley
0-130(120), 32-72, 2-59, 1-105(105)

Simon Bedford 2–4 Si Jiahui
63-53(53), 21-106(91), 26-76(76), 1-69(54), 87(50)-47, 5-127(127)



99(99)-0 , 79-0, 61-8, 63-1, 46-88(84), 76(76)-28

Breakuri 100(+)
127 Si Jiahui
120 David Lilley
105 David Lilley

136 Alex Millington
133 Keishin Kamihashi
124 Daniel Wells
123 Daniel Wells
119 Ross Muir
102 David Lilley
100 Keishin Kamihashi

110 Ross Muir
101 Daniel Wells

Runda 1
142 Michael Georgiou
128 Rod Lawler
125 Andres Petrov
120 Brandon Sargeant
112 Liam Graham
109 Billy Joe Castle
108 Soheil Vahedi
108 Ben Fortey
105 Ryan Thomerson
105 Alfie Davies
104 Dylan Emery
102 Haydon Pinhey
102 Brandon Hall

Rundele preliminare
107 Phil O’Kane
104 Ryan Thomerson
103 Alex Davies

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Mie 8 Dec 2021, 2:41    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


Vineri, 10 decembrie, Terry Griffiths Matchroom, Llanelli

Runda preliminară 1

Keishin Kamihashi 0–3 Lee Stephens
Sean O'Sullivan 3–0 Ronan Whyte
Chae Ross 2–3 Manasawin Phetmalaikul
Jed Mann 0–3 Lee Page
Jordan Shepherd 3–0 Patrick Whelan
Timothy Walters 0–3 (w/o) Alfie Lee
Vladislav Gradinari 2–3 Phil O'Kane
Garry Coulson 2–3 Stuart Watson
Ryan Thomerson 1–3 Alfie Davies
Jack Haley 0–3 Jamie Curtis-Barrett
Mark Vincent 3–1 Josh Symes
Andrew Milliard 1–3 Alex Clenshaw
Zac Cosker 1–3 Alex Davies
Fergal Quinn 2–3 (100) George Pragnell
Aidan Murphy 3–2 Matthew Roberts
John Nicholson 2–3 John Fearick
Darryl James 1–3 Philip Williams
Sergey Isaienko 3–1 Rhys Morgans
Martyn Taylor 0–3 Jack Bradford

Runda preliminară 2

Lee Stephens (136) 1–3 (115) Sean O'Sullivan
Conor Caniff 0–3 Brandon Hall
Manasawin Phetmalaikul 0–3 Lee Page
Bradley Tyson 0–3 (118) Jordan Shepherd
Alfie Lee 3–0 Sam McKay
Phil O'Kane 2–3 (119) Daniel Wells
Stuart Watson 3–1 Matthew Glasby
James Height 1–3 Callum Lloyd
Alfie Davies 1–3 Liam James Davies
Jamie Curtis-Barrett 3–1 Mark Vincent
Alex Clenshaw 3–2 Alex Davies
George Pragnell 3–1 Aidan Murphy
Louis Wakelin 3–2 John Fearick
Simon Bedford (100) 3–1 Philip Williams
Sergey Isaienko 3–0 Daniel Williams
Ryan Rowlands 0–3 Jack Bradford

Breakuri 100(+)
136 Lee Stephens
119 Daniel Wells
118 Jordan Shepherd
115 Sean O'Sullivan
100 George Pragnell
100 Simon Bedford

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Vin 10 Dec 2021, 21:24    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


Sâmbătă, 11 decembrie, Terry Griffiths Matchroom, Llanelli

Runda 1

Ryan Davies 3–1 Brian Ochoiski
Rod Lawler 0–3 Eden Sharav
Haydon Pinhey 1–3 Sean O'Sullivan
Ross Muir 3–1 Brandon Hall
John Astley 3–0 Lee Page
Luke Pinches 3–1 Lewis Gillen
David Lilley 3–2 Jordan Shepherd
Mark Lloyd (116, 104) 3–0 Hayden Staniland
Si Jiahui 3–0 Alfie Lee
Leo Fernandez 2–3 Florian Nüßle
Tony Knowles 0–3 Callum Beresford
Bai Langning 1–3 Daniel Wells
Billy Joe Castle 2–3 Stuart Watson
Dylan Emery 1–3 Alex Taubman
Daniel Womersley 3–0 Lee Shanker
Sydney Wilson 3–2 Liam Pullen
Michael Georgiou 3–1 Callum Lloyd
Michael White (120) 3–0 Harvey Chandler
Joshua Thomond 2–3 Jason Kendrick
Robbie McGuigan (w/o) 3–0 Liam James Davies
Simon Blackwell 2–3 Brandon Sargeant
Alex Millington 3–2 Jamie Curtis-Barrett
Michael Collumb 2–3 Liam Graham
Niel Vincent 1–3 Alex Clenshaw
James Cahill 3–1 George Pragnell
Saqib Nasir 1–3 Joshua Cooper
Sanderson Lam 3–1 Louis Wakelin
Ben Fortey 3–1 Simon Bedford
Soheil Vahedi 3–1 Hamim Hussain
Ben Mertens (w/o) 3–0 Julien Leclercq
Ian Martin 3–2 Sergey Isaienko
Kuldesh Johal 3–1 Jack Bradford


Ryan Davies 3–2 Eden Sharav
Sean O'Sullivan (100) 3–0 Ross Muir
John Astley 3–0 Luke Pinches
David Lilley (119) 1–3 Mark Lloyd
Si Jiahui 3–2 Florian Nüßle
Callum Beresford 1–3 (100) Daniel Wells
Stuart Watson (103) 3–0 Alex Taubman
Daniel Womersley 0–3 Sydney Wilson
Michael Georgiou 2–3 (105, 100) Michael White
Jason Kendrick 0–3 Robbie McGuigan
Brandon Sargeant 2–3 Alex Millington
Liam Graham 1–3 Alex Clenshaw
James Cahill 1–3 Joshua Cooper
Sanderson Lam (100) 3–1 Ben Fortey
Soheil Vahedi 1–3 (100) Ben Mertens
Ian Martin 3–0 Kuldesh Johal


Ryan Davies 1–3 (130) Sean O'Sullivan
John Astley 2–3 Mark Lloyd
Si Jiahui 3–1 Daniel Wells
Stuart Watson 1–3 (143) Sydney Wilson
Michael White (110, 102) 3–2 Robbie McGuigan
Alex Millington 0–3 Alex Clenshaw
Joshua Cooper 0–3 Sanderson Lam
Ben Mertens 3–1 Ian Martin

Breakuri 100(+)
143 Sydney Wilson
130 Sean O'Sullivan
120 Michael White
119 David Lilley
116 Mark Lloyd
110 Michael White
105 Michael White
104 Mark Lloyd
103 Stuart Watson
102 Michael White
100 Daniel Wells
100 Sean O'Sullivan
100 Ben Mertens
100 Michael White
100 Sanderson Lam

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Sâm 11 Dec 2021, 22:39    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


Duminică, 12 decembrie, Terry Griffiths Matchroom, Llanelli


Sean O'Sullivan 4–3 Mark Lloyd
58-71, 50-64, 64(63)-9, 37-69, 107(103)-1, 78-1, 77-0

Si Jiahui 4–1 Sydney Wilson
97(86)-1, 82-36, 58-69(64), 92(92)-1, 70-30

Michael White 4–2 Alex Clenshaw
10-87(57), 97(97)-15, 133(133)-0, 63-54, 5-67, 74-0

Sanderson Lam 1–4 Ben Mertens
0-89(62), 33-54, 1-64, 70-25, 28-62


Sean O'Sullivan 3–4 Si Jiahui
7-65, 0-97(68), 31-75(56), 80-50(50), 92(63)-0, 136(110)-0, 31-76

Michael White 4–0 Ben Mertens
74-53, 76(76)-4, 137(137)-0, 103(98)-4



69(54)-23, 83-5, 82(82)-0 , 77(53)-53(53), 45-62(50), 25-84(58), 52(52)-70(70), 13-67, 79-44

Breakuri 100(+)
137 Michael White
133 Michael White
110 Sean O'Sullivan
103 Sean O'Sullivan

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Joi 27 Ian 2022, 1:08    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


Vineri, 28 ianuarie, The Winchester Club, Leicester

Runda preliminară 1

Phil O'Kane 3–2 Philip Blackburn
Alfie Lee 3–0 Ian Desmier

Runda preliminară 2

Matthew Simpson 0–3 Nutcharut Wongharuthai
Stuart Watson 1–3 Jack Bradford
Connor Benzey 3–0 Andy Marriott
Louis Wakelin 1–3 Halim Hussain
Adam Osbourne 0–3 Phil O'Kane
Jordan Shepherd 1–3 Matthew Glasby
Adam Longley 0–3 (w/o) Daniel Wells
Elsie Lance 0–3 Alex Clenshaw
Bradley Tyson 0–3 Jamie Curtis-Barrett
Chae Ross (113) 3–0 Sam McKay
Liam Davies 3–1 Manasawin Phetmalaikul
Keishin Kamihashi 3–2 Patrick Whelan
Jack Haley 2–3 Sergiy Isaienko
Darryl James 3–2 Josh Symes
Brandon Hall (108) 3–0 Damian Wilks
Daniel Williams 1–3 Martyn Taylor
David Finbow 3–1 Vladislav Gradinari
Fergal Quinn (w/o) 3–0 Andres Petrov
Garry Coulson 3–0 Zac Cosker
Wiphu Phuthisabodi 0–3 George Pragnell
Ronan Whyte 1–3 Ryan Thomerson
Paul Deaville 2–3 John Nicholson
Lewis Gillen 3–2 Andrew Milliard
Aidan Murphy 1–3 Lee Stephens
Sean O'Sullivan 3–0 Adam King
Kayden Brierley (128) 3–2 Matthew Roberts
Sean McAllister 0–3 (w/o) Daniel McGuckin
Simon Bedford 2–3 Jed Mann
Joe Fenton 1–3 James Height
Alfie Davies 0–3 Alfie Lee
Callum Lloyd 2–3 Westley Cooper
Tyler Rees (100) 3–1 Brian Ochoiski

Runda preliminară 3

Nutcharut Wongharuthai 3–0 Jack Bradford
Connor Benzey 3–1 Halim Hussain
Phil O'Kane (100) 2–3 Matthew Glasby
Daniel Wells (101) 3–0 Alex Clenshaw
Jamie Curtis-Barrett 3–2 Chae Ross
Liam Davies 0–3 Keishin Kamihashi
Sergiy Isaienko 3–0 Darryl James
Brandon Hall 3–2 Martyn Taylor
David Finbow 3–0 Fergal Quinn
Garry Coulson 0–3 George Pragnell
Ryan Thomerson 3–2 John Nicholson
Lewis Gillen 2–3 Lee Stephens
Sean O'Sullivan 3–1 Kayden Brierley
Daniel McGuckin 0–3 Jed Mann
James Height 2–3 Alfie Lee
Westley Cooper 3–0 Tyler Rees

Breakuri 100(+)
128 Kayden Brierley
113 Chae Ross
108 Brandon Hall
101 Daniel Wells
100 Tyler Rees
100 Phil O'Kane

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Vin 28 Ian 2022, 22:40    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


Sâmbătă, 29 ianuarie, The Winchester Club, Leicester

Runda 1

Billy Joe Castle 2–4 Nutcharut Wongharuthai
Oliver Brown 2–3 Connor Benzey
Bai Langning 1–3 (100) Matthew Glasby
Kuldesh Johal 1–3 (136) Daniel Wells
Sydney Wilson 1–3 Jamie Curtis-Barrett
Michael White (129) 3–1 Keishin Kamihashi
Ben Mertens 3–0 Sergiy Isaienko
Leo Fernandez 1–3 Florian Nüßle
Ross Muir 3–1 Luke Simmonds
Saqib Nasir 1–3 Hayden Staniland
Mark Lloyd 2–3 Julien Leclercq
Haydon Pinhey 0–3 (105) Brandon Hall
David Lilley (114) 3–2 David Finbow
Luke Pinches 1–3 (123) Joshua Cooper
Si Jiahui (102) 3–0 George Pragnell
Niel Vincent 2–3 Brandon Sargeant
Joshua Thomond 1–3 Harvey Chandler
Robbie McGuigan 0–3 (w/o) Liam Graham
Rod Lawler 0–3 (w/o) Ryan Thomerson
John Astley 1–3 Lee Stephens
James Cahill 0–3 (126) Sean O'Sullivan
Soheil Vahedi 3–1 Liam Pullen
Ben Fortey 1–3 Jed Mann
Dylan Emery 3–0 Callum Beresford
Michael Georgiou 2–3 Hamim Hussain
Simon Blackwell 0–3 Alfie Lee
Ryan Davies 1–3 Lee Shanker
Daniel Womersley 3–0 Jason Kendrick
Tony Knowles 1–3 Eden Sharav
Sanderson Lam 3–0 Ian Martin
Michael Collumb 3–2 Alex Taubman
Alex Millington 3–0 Westley Cooper


Nutcharut Wongharuthai 3–2 Connor Benzey
Matthew Glasby 1–3 Daniel Wells
Jamie Curtis-Barrett 0–3 Michael White
Ben Mertens 3–0 Florian Nüßle
Ross Muir (108) 3–0 Hayden Staniland
Julien Leclercq (111) 3–1 Brandon Hall
David Lilley 3–1 Joshua Cooper
Si Jiahui 3–2 Brandon Sargeant
Harvey Chandler 3–2 Liam Graham
Ryan Thomerson (136) 3–1 Lee Stephens
Sean O'Sullivan 3–1 Soheil Vahedi
Jed Mann 3–2 Dylan Emery
Hamim Hussain 1–3 (133) Alfie Lee
Lee Shanker 3–1 Daniel Womersley
Eden Sharav 3–2 Sanderson Lam
Michael Collumb 3–1 Alex Millington


Nutcharut Wongharuthai 3–2 Daniel Wells
Michael White (122) 1–3 Ben Mertens
Ross Muir 0–3 (133, 104) Julien Leclercq
David Lilley 2–3 (132) Si Jiahui
Harvey Chandler 3–1 Ryan Thomerson
Sean O'Sullivan (127, 114) 3–1 Jed Mann
Alfie Lee (115) 3–2 Lee Shanker
Eden Sharav 3–1 Michael Collumb

Breakuri 100(+)
136 Daniel Wells
136 Ryan Thomerson
133 Alfie Lee
133 Julien Leclercq
132 Si Jiahui
129 Michael White
127 Sean O'Sullivan
126 Sean O'Sullivan
123 Joshua Cooper
122 Michael White
115 Alfie Lee
114 David Lilley
114 Sean O'Sullivan
111 Julien Leclercq
108 Ross Muir
105 Brandon Hall
104 Julien Leclercq
102 Si Jiahui
100 Matthew Glasby

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Sâm 29 Ian 2022, 23:47    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


Duminică, 30 ianuarie, The Winchester Club, Leicester


Nutcharut Wongharuthai 0–4 Ben Mertens
18-100(100), 26-80(68), 1-122(122), 23-109(105)

Julien Leclercq 4–3 Si Jiahui
18-108(108), 69-61, 0-78, 94(94)-0, 60-72, 93-16, 119(119)-13

Harvey Chandler 3–4 Sean O'Sullivan
109(55, 53)-0, 118(113)-17, 96(82)-0, 41-75(74), 1-70(56), 16-76(62), 44-70(65)

Alfie Lee 4–2 Eden Sharav
80-14, 24-69(64), 22-74, 77(59)-48, 110(110)-8, 104(104)-0


Ben Mertens 2–4 Julien Leclercq
67-64, 18-75(68), 13-108, 5-79(78), 65-0, 0-93(93)

Sean O'Sullivan 4–0 Alfie Lee
70(50)-20, 32-6, 99(99)-16, 72-44



18-81(61), 34-77(62), 87-6, 18-72(72), 13-114(77), 63-7, 13-98(75)

Breakuri 100(+)
122 Ben Mertens
119 Julien Leclercq
113 Harvey Chandler
110 Alfie Lee
108 Si Jiahui
105 Ben Mertens
104 Alfie Lee
100 Ben Mertens

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Mar 15 Mar 2022, 20:03    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


Vineri, 18 martie, Northern Snooker Centre, Leeds

Runda preliminară 1

Carl Bennett 1–3 Gareth Green
Adam Longley 0–3 Joe Fenton
Zsolt Fenyvesi 0–3 (w/o) Vlad Gradinari
Liam Davies (118) 3–2 (105) Jordan Shepherd

Runda preliminară 2

Elias Martin-Beris 0–3 Josh Symes
Alfie Davies 3–2 James Height
George Pragnell 3–1 Isa Ishtiaq
Daniel Williams 2–3 Alfie Lee
Petro Sydorenco 0–3 Neal Jones
Andrew Milliard 3–0 Luke Woodhead
Matthew Glasby 3–0 Bradley Tyson
Manasawin Phetmalaikul 3–1 Jack Bradford
Samuel Lee Stevens 3–1 Darryl James
Gareth Green 3–1 Phil O'Kane
Garry Coulson 1–3 Sean O'Sullivan
Fergal Quinn 0–3 Patrick Whelan
Louis Wakelin 0–3 (w/o) Daniel Crompton
Wiphu Phuthisabodi 3–1 Connor Benzey
Jack Haley (120) 3–1 Shaun Wilkes
Zac Cosker 0–3 Jamie Curtis-Barrett
Anton Kazakov 3–2 Lee Stephens
Kayden Brierley 3–2 Lewis Ullah
Westley Cooper 3–1 Scott Rogan
Brandon Hall 0–3 Alex Clenshaw
Andres Petrov 0–3 (w/o) Ronan Whyte
Darren Burns 0–3 Aidan Murphy
Joe Fenton (w/o) 3–0 Martyn Taylor
Stuart Watson 3–0 Hong Quach
Mark Ball (w/o) 3–0 Dale Smith
Adam Duffy 3–0 Vlad Gradinari
Halim Hussain 1–3 Anthony Green
Andy Marriott 3–1 Sean McAllister
Liam Davies 3–0 Andrew Robson
Keishin Kamihashi (w/o) 3–0 Sergy Isaienko
Jason Lawrence 1–3 Ian Desmier
Andrew Owen 3–2 Daniel Boyes

Runda preliminară 3

Josh Symes 2–3 Alfie Davies
George Pragnell (117) 3–1 Alfie Lee
Neal Jones 3–1 Andrew Milliard
Matthew Glasby 1–3 Manasawin Phetmalaikul
Samuel Lee Stevens 2–3 Gareth Green
Sean O'Sullivan 2–3 Patrick Whelan
Daniel Crompton 1–3 Wiphu Phuthisabodi
Jack Haley 0–3 Jamie Curtis-Barrett
Anton Kazakov 2–3 Kayden Brierley
Westley Cooper 1–3 (136) Alex Clenshaw
Ronan Whyte 1–3 Aidan Murphy
Joe Fenton 3–2 Stuart Watson
Mark Ball 1–3 Adam Duffy
Anthony Green 3–0 Andy Marriott
Liam Davies 3–0 Keishin Kamihashi
Ian Desmier 3–2 Andrew Owen

Breakuri 100(+)
136 Alex Clenshaw
120 Jack Haley
118 Liam Davies
117 George Pragnell
105 Jordan Shepherd

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Sâm 19 Mar 2022, 0:16    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)



Sâmbătă, 19 martie, Northern Snooker Centre, Leeds

Runda 1

Mark Lloyd 3–0 Alfie Davies
Michael Georgiou (109) 3–1 George Pragnell
Ben Mertens 3–1 Jenson Kendrick
Kuldesh Johal 3–0 Neal Jones
Michael White 2–3 Manasawin Phetmalaikul
David Lilley (122) 1–3 Liam Graham
Ross Muir 1–3 Simon Bedford
John Astley 0–3 (w/o) Alex Taubman
Dylan Emery 0–3 (w/o) Gareth Green
Joshua Thomond 1–3 Patrick Whelan
Simon Blackwell 0–3 Wiphu Phuthisabodi
Robbie McGuigan 3–1 Jamie Curtis-Barrett
Billy Joe Castle 3–1 Kayden Brierley
Saqib Nasir 0–3 Hamim Hussain
Niel Vincent 3–1 Eden Sharav
Luke Pinches 0–3 Daniel Wells
Bai Langning 3–2 Lewis Gillen
Ben Fortey (w/o) 3–0 Florian Nüßle
Haydon Pinhey 0–3 (w/o) Alex Clenshaw
Tony Knowles 0–3 Aidan Murphy
Alex Millington 3–0 Lee Shanker
Ian Martin 0–3 (w/o) Brandon Sargeant
Julien Leclercq (w/o) 3–0 Brian Cini
Leo Fernandez (108) 3–1 Joe Fenton
Harvey Chandler 3–1 Hayden Staniland
Michael Collumb 3–2 Adam Duffy
Soheil Vahedi 3–1 Anthony Green
Ryan Davies 3–1 Joshua Cooper
Si Jiahui 2–3 Liam Davies
Sanderson Lam 2–3 Liam Pullen
Rod Lawler (127) 3–0 Callum Beresford
Daniel Womersley 3–0 Ian Desmier


Mark Lloyd 0–3 (104) Michael Georgiou
Ben Mertens (121) 3–1 Kuldesh Johal
Manasawin Phetmalaikul 2–3 Liam Graham
Simon Bedford 3–2 Alex Taubman
Gareth Green 1–3 Patrick Whelan
Wiphu Phuthisabodi 0–3 (102) Robbie McGuigan
Billy Joe Castle 1–3 Hamim Hussain
Niel Vincent 3–1 Daniel Wells
Bai Langning 3–1 Ben Fortey
Alex Clenshaw 3–2 Aidan Murphy
Alex Millington 0–3 Brandon Sargeant
Julien Leclercq (112) 3–0 Leo Fernandez
Harvey Chandler (132) 2–3 Michael Collumb
Soheil Vahedi 2–3 Ryan Davies
Liam Davies 3–1 Liam Pullen
Rod Lawler 3–1 Daniel Womersley


Michael Georgiou 3–1 Ben Mertens
Liam Graham 1–3 Simon Bedford
Patrick Whelan 0–3 Robbie McGuigan
Hamim Hussain 3–2 Niel Vincent
Bai Langning 1–3 Alex Clenshaw
Brandon Sargeant 3–2 Julien Leclercq
Michael Collumb 3–1 Ryan Davies
Liam Davies 3–2 Rod Lawler

Breakuri 100(+)
132 Harvey Chandler
127 Rod Lawler
122 David Lilley
121 Ben Mertens
112 Julien Leclercq
109 Michael Georgiou
108 Leo Fernandez
104 Michael Georgiou
102 Robbie McGuigan

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Dum 20 Mar 2022, 0:00    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


Duminică, 20 martie, Northern Snooker Centre, Leeds


Michael Georgiou 3–4 Simon Bedford
11-61, 67-10, 6-89(89), 1-82(68), 79(74)-56, 62-24, 0-90(90)

Robbie McGuigan 4–2 Hamim Hussain
69-32, 81-19, 36-70, 41-62, 89-40, 63-17

Alex Clenshaw 4–2 Brandon Sargeant
73-24, 6-58, 66(66)-30, 84(55)-0, 25-75(59), 72-53

Michael Collumb 4–2 Liam Davies
79-23, 91-2, 42-63(50), 104(87)-0, 1-85, 80(70)-33


Simon Bedford 3–4 Robbie McGuigan
82(55)-16, 81(61)-8, 61-47, 24-74(55), 1-83(83), 24-69, 46-61

Alex Clenshaw 3–4 Michael Collumb
133(102)-0, 72-73, 11-81, 74-11, 2-62(59), 59-16, 8-80(72)


Michael Collumb, arbitrul David Brown și Robbie McGuigan


4-83, 19-59, 1-81, 59-52, 117(51)-0, 70-47, 67(58)-1, 82(82)-4

Breakuri 100(+)
102 Alex Clenshaw

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Dum 8 Mai 2022, 22:30    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


Marți, 10 mai, Q House Academy, Darlington

Runda 1 - Optimi

Robbie McGuigan 4–0 Mark Lloyd
Harvey Chandler 4–3 (117) Daniel Wells
Julien Leclercq (120, 116, 130) 4–0 Alfie Lee
Simon Bedford 3–4 Michael Georgiou
Michael Collumb (108) 4–2 Hamim Hussain
Alex Millington 0–4 Liam Davies
Alex Clenshaw 4–3 Brandon Sargeant
Ben Mertens 1–4 (139) Ryan Davies


Robbie McGuigan 3–4 Harvey Chandler
99(91)-6, 108(80)-19, 0-80(76), 15-117(117), 61-9, 38-71, 48-70

Julien Leclercq 4–3 Michael Georgiou
114(63)-8, 60-51, 9-117(52, 65), 123(87)-0, 62-71(71), 49-71, 55-54(50)

Michael Collumb 1–4 Liam Davies
49-71(58), 71-26, 9-61, 16-55, 50-68

Alex Clenshaw 4–0 Ryan Davies
59-14, 71-27, 83-23, 68-38

Breakuri 100(+)
139 Ryan Davies
130 Julien Leclercq
120 Julien Leclercq
117 Daniel Wells
117 Harvey Chandler
116 Julien Leclercq
108 Michael Collumb

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20398
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Mar 10 Mai 2022, 16:59    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


Miercuri, 11 mai, Q House Academy, Darlington


Harvey Chandler 1–4 Julien Leclercq
13-73(73), 13-104(78), 99(64)-1, 1-127(51, 76), 43-56

Liam Davies 3–4 Alex Clenshaw
60-46, 92(88)-9, 64-38, 18-71, 61-63, 28-54, 17-92


De la stânga spre dreapta : Alex Clenshaw și Julien Leclercq


19-106(101), 8-70(70), 58(55)-9, 63(51)-44, 81(80)-0, 80-1, 82-26

Breakuri 100(+)
101 Alex Clenshaw

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
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