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Scandalul Higgins
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Mrs. Hendry
Addicted to snooker

Data înscrierii: 20/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 2360
Locație: pool hall

MesajTrimis: Dum 5 Sep 2010, 19:41    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

mircea22 a scris:

Mai este puțin; din câte am înțeles, John este sigur că verdictul va fi unul favorabil lui. We shall see...

Fingers crossed

"Luck is an offensive, abhorrent concept. The idea that there is a force in the universe tilting events in your favor or against it is ridiculous." ~ Sherlock Holmes ~ Elementary
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Mrs. Hendry Trimite mesaj privat Trimite un mesaj Vizitează site-ul autorului Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20253
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Mar 7 Sep 2010, 12:03    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

Confirmat la SkyNews : John Higgins și Pat Mooney s-au recunoscut vinovați de acuzația de blat, adică de faptul că au fost de acord să cedeze 4 frame-uri contra sumei de 300 000 de lire.

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20253
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Mar 7 Sep 2010, 12:43    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

... pe de altă parte, acum, un purtător de cuvânt al lui John Higgins dezminte informația de mai sus, deja apărută la TV & radio Sky !!!... Ce bâlbâială ! Shocked Laughing

Verdictul se va da, probabil, mâine seară.

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Addicted to snooker

Data înscrierii: 27/Ian/2010
Mesaje: 739
Locație: Brasov

MesajTrimis: Mie 8 Sep 2010, 13:00    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

Vom afla astazi verdictul final al ''cazului Higgins&Mooney'' ? Question

Whoever called snooker 'chess with balls' was rude, but right.
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui snookerfan97 Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20253
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Mie 8 Sep 2010, 15:50    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

Verdict : amendă de 75 000 + 10 000 lire, cu suspendare de șase luni : cele deja scurse din luna mai.

Pat Mooney nu va mai putea avea niciodată, nimic de-a face cu snookerul : ban pe viață din acest sport.


Mr Ian Mill QC


(1) JOHN HIGGINS (“Mr Higgins”)
(2) PAT MOONEY (“Mr Mooney”), Respondents

Summary of Decision for Publication

1. The Charges
• Both Mr Higgins and Mr Mooney have been charged with breaches of four of the Association’s Rules Relating to Betting, namely (insofar as material):
Rule (Charge 1)
• Agreeing or offering to accept a bribe, bribes or other reward to fix or otherwise to influence improperly the result of a Tournament or Match.
Rule (Charge 2)
• Agreeing to engage in corrupt or fraudulent conduct.
Rule (Charge 3)
• Intentionally giving the impression to others that they were agreeing to act in breach of the Betting Rules.
Rule (Charge 4)
• Failing to disclose promptly to the Association full details of an approach or invitation to act in breach of the Betting Rules.

1. Admissions and Withdrawal of Charges
1. Mr. Higgins
• Mr Higgins has admitted acting in breach of Rules and (Charges 3 and 4).

• The Association has withdrawn Charges 1 and 2.

• The Association has explained that this withdrawal resulted from an acceptance, following an investigation which all concerned have correctly characterised as very thorough and fair, that Mr Higgins had truthfully accounted for his words and actions at the meeting in Kiev on 30 April, selected extracts from which subsequently were widely publicised. In short, his account (which has remained consistent throughout) was as follows. Mr Higgins found himself in that meeting having only just beforehand been warned by Mr Mooney that there was a possibility (nothing more) that the subject of throwing frames might arise as part of the overall business discussions that were about to commence. Without any opportunity for mature reflection Mr Higgins, who is by nature someone who seeks to avoid confrontation or unpleasantness, decided to play along with the discussion when the topic did indeed arise. He also found the atmosphere in the meeting somewhat intimidating. His focus was entirely on bringing the meeting to an end as soon as possible and getting on a plane home. He would never throw, and had no intention at that meeting of throwing any frame, of snooker for reward.

• I have no doubt that the Association was right to conclude that this account by Mr Higgins was a truthful one.

1. Mr Mooney
• Mr Mooney has also admitted Charges 3 and 4.

• The Association has also withdrawn Charges 1 and 2.

• The Association’s explanation for these withdrawals was very different. The Association maintained that Mr Mooney had in fact intended to act fraudulently and corruptly as alleged. However, a last minute argument advanced on behalf of Mr Mooney by Mr Phillips QC, based on a proper construction of the Rules to which Charges 1 and 2 refer had persuaded the Association that it did not have sufficient prospects of proving those Charges.

• That argument revolved around the definitions of the words “Tour”, “Tournament” and “Match”, which appear in both of the relevant Rules. Mr Phillips argued that the discussions giving rise to those Charges were concerned with events which did not fall within the ambit of those words as so defined.

• I do not consider myself to be empowered to require a Charge to be maintained in the face of a decision to withdraw it from me. I therefore make no comment as to whether the Association was correct to regard Mr Phillips' construction argument as valid.

(C) Sanctions
1 Mr Higgins
• Mr Higgins was put in a highly invidious position by Mr Mooney, who was entirely responsible for Mr Higgins’ presence in Kiev and, in particular, at the meeting there on 30 April. Mr Higgins can be criticised for the way in which he chose to respond to the situation in which he found himself. However, I do not consider, in the circumstances that any very serious sanction should follow from his admitted breach of the Rule referred to in Charge 3. More serious is his failure to comply with his obligations under Rule (Charge 4). There was an opportunity, albeit a relatively limited one, for him to have reported the Kiev incident to the Association prior to the News of the World story breaking. He should have taken the opportunity to do so. Very fairly, Mr Higgins has also stated that he is unclear whether he would have reported the incident had the publicity not occurred. Mr Higgins did not, of course, know that the businessman at the Kiev meeting were undercover journalists. On the basis that they intended what they said, it was obviously a matter of the greatest importance to the integrity of the sport of snooker that those intentions were immediately reported.

• Mr Higgins’ failure in this respect was extremely foolish. In mitigation, Mr Clancy SC on his behalf reminded me of his client’s exemplary record both in terms of achievement and conduct, and of his role as an ambassador for the sport. I very much bear these matters in mind. But I also consider that with such a status come particular responsibilities to other players in the game, to the Association, to its sponsors and to the viewing public to ensure that the Association’s Rules bearing on the peculiarly sensitive subject of gambling and corruption are strictly adhered to. Taken with the other Charge which he has admitted, it seems to me that his conduct in failing to report the incident immediately warrants a short suspension from his membership of the Association and from the playing rights that his membership affords him. In my judgment, the proper length of such suspension is one of 6 months. Since he was suspended by the Association pending the outcome of the investigations on 2 May 2010, the period of his suspension will end at midnight on 1 November 2010.

• I also consider that Mr Higgins should suffer a financial sanction. Having considered the gravity of the admitted rule breaches and heard from Mr Clancy as to his client’s financial circumstances, I consider that he should pay a fine of £75,000 and make a contribution to the Association’s costs of £10,000. Paragraph 10.2 of the Association’s Disciplinary Rules requires any fine to be paid within 28 days. In the circumstances, I do not consider it reasonable or appropriate that Mr Higgins should have to pay such an amount within this short period. I consider that a period of 90 days is appropriate. On behalf of the Association, Mr Bourns has accepted that it is open to me so to order.

2 Mr Mooney
• Mr Mooney’s conduct is, in my judgment, of a completely different order of seriousness. He was first made aware not later than 8 April 2010 by the undercover journalist posing as a businessman (“Mr D’Sousa”) of the fact that those behind him in the purported business venture were looking to make money through gambling in circumstances where frames in snooker matches were deliberately thrown. Yet, he made no disclosure at the time of this stated requirement to the Association, to Mr Higgins (whom he represented in snooker matters, who was one of his partners in the business (World Series Snooker) which Mr Mooney was representing in his discussions with Mr D'Sousa, and most significantly who was targeted by Mr D’Sousa as the player required to throw the frames) or to his other business partners in World Series Snooker, Debbie Mitchell and Adrian Stewart.

• Furthermore, despite this requirement being stated, Mr Mooney not only continued his engagement with Mr D’Sousa thereafter but persuaded a materially ignorant Mr Higgins to accompany him to meet with those behind the venture in Kiev. He accepts that, in continuing that engagement and by the words spoken by him on 8 April 2010 he had led Mr D’Sousa to believe that the throwing of frames was something that could be achieved.

Once in Kiev, on 29 April 2010, it was made clear to Mr Mooney on several occasions (in Mr Higgins’ absence) that the subject of frame throwing had to be discussed with Mr Higgins. Still, he said nothing to Mr Higgins until minutes before the meeting the following day.

• When he did mention the subject to Mr Higgins, Mr Mooney misrepresented to him the position, stating that it was possible that the subject might not come up at all.

• Furthermore, despite at the time owing fiduciary obligations to Mr Higgins as his snooker representative and to the Association itself (he was a Board Director of the Association at the time), Mr Mooney did not advise Mr Higgins to make it clear that frame throwing was out of the question, and he did not even discuss with Mr Higgins the possibility of leaving Kiev without attending the meeting. In so behaving, in my judgment, Mr Mooney was motivated by concerns as to his own position to the exclusion of all others. He had positively responded to the requirement of frame throwing in all his previous discussions and he had brought Mr Higgins to Kiev expressly to discuss this aspect of the matter. He was concerned as to the consequences for him if these assurances proved groundless.

• At the meeting in Kiev on 30 April, Mr Mooney continued to represent himself as able and willing to participate in, and to procure, corrupt frame throwing. Thereafter, he neither reported the events which had occurred to the Association nor encouraged nor advised Mr Higgins to do so.

• A number of points were made by and on behalf of Mr Mooney. On his behalf, Mr Phillips asserted both as a matter of law and of fact that I could not and should not find that Mr Mooney in fact intended what he represented as being his intention in his various discussions with Mr D’Sousa and in Kiev. His legal argument, which I rejected in a ruling which I delivered yesterday, was that it was not open to the Association to maintain such an argument, given its withdrawal of Charge 2. As a matter of fact, he invited me to accept Mr Mooney’s evidence that he was clear in his own mind that Mr Higgins would never deliberately throw a frame for reward and, therefore, to conclude that Mr Mooney could not in fact have intended to put the corrupt agreement asserted by the Association into effect. As to this, Mr Bourns on behalf of the Association pointed to passages in the transcripts of discussions which suggested that Mr Mooney might have had in mind to procure the throwing of frames though the activities of players other than Mr Higgins.

• Mr Mooney gave evidence before me, during which he told me in terms that he did not intend to put any such corrupt agreement into effect. His explanation for his encouragement of Mr D’Sousa prior to Kiev was that he was playing along with him, humouring him, in order to get to meet those behind the venture in Kiev. He was so certain that what Mr D’Sousa was saying about the frame throwing requirement was nonsense that he had not found it necessary to inform any of the Association, Mr Higgins, Ms Mitchell or Mr Stewart of what had been said. Once in Kiev, when it rapidly became apparent to him that Mr D’Sousa had in fact been telling the truth, he was intimidated into acting as he did. He gave no explanation for the failure to report the matter to the Association thereafter.

• I was unimpressed by Mr Mooney as a witness and I found much of his account highly implausible. I very strongly suspect that he intended to put the corrupt agreement alleged by the Association into effect without having decided precisely how he would do this (given that Mr Higgins would clearly not be cooperative). His motivation throughout was, I find, financial self interest, in particular having regard to the very valuable sponsorship undertakings being offered by Mr D’Sousa and his colleagues.

However, I have concluded that it is unnecessary for me to make such a factual finding, since it would have no impact on the sanctions which I have decided appropriate on the basis of factual findings that it is accepted on Mr Mooney’s behalf are open to me.

• It seems to me that, on any view, in the light of the factual summary which I have set out above, even if Mr Mooney did not intend to carry out the agreement reached, he committed the most egregious betrayals of trust - both in relation to the Association, to which he owed fiduciary obligations as a Director and by reason of his great influence in the world of snooker, and to Mr Higgins whose entire career and professional future he inexplicably put at serious and wholly unjustifiable risk.

Mr Mooney resigned as a Director of the Association on 2 May 2010 and his membership of the Association (which derived from his position as a Director) was suspended (as were his privileges derived from his position as Mr Higgins’ appointed representative) on 6 May 2010.

In my judgment, both those suspensions must be made permanent. Mr Phillips on Mr Mooney’s behalf told me that his client’s involvement in the world of snooker is at an end. So it should be. That must remain the case.
I do not intend additionally to impose any financial sanction on Mr Mooney other than that he must make a contribution to the Association’s costs in the amount of £25,000. Mr Phillips has explained to me his client’s precarious financial circumstances in the light of the recent events which have unfolded. It does not seem to me in the light of that information that an Order to make payment of a fine would be proportionate.

(D) Detailed Reasons
• I have indicated to the parties that I would put into writing more detailed reasons for my conclusions set out above, should such be requested. I do not envisage that any such further reasons would require to be published.

8 September 2010

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen

Ultima modificare efectuată de către Clara White la Mie 8 Sep 2010, 17:21, modificat de 1 dată în total
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Lady Croft
Addicted to snooker

Data înscrierii: 24/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 1980
Locație: Petrosani (Hunedoara)

MesajTrimis: Mie 8 Sep 2010, 16:38    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

Multimum pentru promptitudinea cu care ne prezinti noutatile!

It all can be over in just one blink of an eye...but the memory will always remain in the mind! NEVER FORGETT...ALWAYS REMEMBER!
I  Snooker!
Laureată a Premiului Oscue - China Open 2011
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Lady Croft Trimite mesaj privat Trimite un mesaj Vizitează site-ul autorului
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20253
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Mie 8 Sep 2010, 16:54    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

Cu plăcere. Very Happy

John Higgins : I welcome today’s judgement by Sports Resolutions and the WPBSA after an exhaustive investigation into the allegations made by a tabloid newspaper.

I am pleased that Sports Resolutions and the WPBSA have concluded that I am not guilty of any dishonesty, and had no intention to fix a match, and had no intention to do anything corrupt. The statement I made in May immediately after the newspaper accusations was 100% true then, and is 100% true today. I’ve never been involved in any form of snooker match-fixing, and in my 18 years playing professional snooker I have never deliberately missed a shot, never mind intentionally lost a frame or a match.

I’m glad that the WPBSA’s view of events in Kiev reflects that statement. If I am gulity of anything it is of naiveity and trusting those who I believed were working in the best interests of snooker and myself. I accept I should have informed WPBSA officials of the events in Kiev immediately upon my return to the U.K. I accept their decision of a 6-month suspension and L75,000 fine.

Those who run the WPBSA have made it plain that if the sport is to advance, it must be beyond reproach, and those who play it must be cleaner than clean. Those who know me will appreciate that I have tried to encourage and advance snooker, and I have also tried to be an ambassador for the sport. In November I will return to snooker a stronger person with a new determination to succeed, and to try and hold up many snooker trophies in the coming years. I will, as I always have, work with the snooker authorities to promote the good reputation of snooker throughout the U.K.

I was one of the loudest voices calling for a change in snooker, I was one of the loudest voices calling for Barry Hearn to guide the sport that I love onwards and upwards.

This has been a traumatic time for me and those close to me. It has been made all the more hurtful by the knowledge that I never have, and never would, fix a snooker match. I have been sustained by the love and support of my wife, my family, and my friends. I must also thank my many many fans from around the world who have encouraged me back and raised my spirits, and I must also thank my legal team…. Thanks very much.

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen

Ultima modificare efectuată de către Clara White la Mie 8 Sep 2010, 17:11, modificat de 1 dată în total
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Addicted to snooker

Data înscrierii: 27/Ian/2010
Mesaje: 739
Locație: Brasov

MesajTrimis: Mie 8 Sep 2010, 17:02    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

Ce bine ca se va intoarce ! Very Happy

Whoever called snooker 'chess with balls' was rude, but right.
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui snookerfan97 Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Clara White

Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 20253
Locație: Snookerland

MesajTrimis: Mie 8 Sep 2010, 17:29    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

Declarația WSA Arrow

Deci amenda e de 75 000 de lire plus alte 10 000 cheltuieli de judecată.

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Clara White Trimite mesaj privat Codul Yahoo Messenger
Addicted to snooker

Data înscrierii: 17/Feb/2009
Mesaje: 1199
Locație: Oltenia

MesajTrimis: Mie 8 Sep 2010, 20:00    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

Mulţumim, Clara!
Bine că s-a terminat cu bine. Aşteptăm răspunsul lui John... pe postavul verde.

"That's inches away from being millimetre perfect." (Ted Lowe)
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui mircea22 Trimite mesaj privat
Addicted to snooker

Data înscrierii: 18/Feb/2008
Mesaje: 869
Locație: Buzau

MesajTrimis: Mie 8 Sep 2010, 20:48    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

Mda, in principiu s-a terminat cu bine, dar in opinia mea in mintea suporterilor sau mai putin suporterilor va ramane intr-un coltisor intrebarea nerostita,,a fost sau n-a fost"si John va avea de luptat cu asta Embarassed.Multumim Clara!

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - Shanghai Masters 2010, International Championship 2012
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui snookerclau Trimite mesaj privat
Addicted to snooker

Data înscrierii: 14/Sep/2009
Mesaje: 967
Locație: Brasov

MesajTrimis: Joi 9 Sep 2010, 6:26    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

Daca n-a fost ,de ce a primit amenda?
Daca a fost ,de ce a primit doar atat-lasand loc si pe viitor la astfel de lucruri necurate?

Laureată a Premiului Oscue - UK Championship 2009, Turneul special de calificare la Masters 2010, China Open 2010
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui danacateia Trimite mesaj privat
Addicted to snooker

Data înscrierii: 24/Dec/2007
Mesaje: 735
Locație: Targoviste

MesajTrimis: Joi 9 Sep 2010, 7:19    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

Dupa sanctiuni eu interpretez cam asa "ceva a fost dar nu avem dovezi clare".
Daca era in culpa un jucator aflat dupa pozitia 20 cred ca era exclus.

Un sport nobil pentru oameni nobili.
Laureat al Premiului Oscue - Campionatul Mondial 2013, Campionatul Mondial 2016, Campionatul Mondial 2017
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui rooniefan Trimite mesaj privat
Vlad Răzvan
Addicted to snooker

Data înscrierii: 29/Ian/2010
Mesaje: 116
Locație: București

MesajTrimis: Joi 9 Sep 2010, 10:42    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)

O decizie buna pentru noi, privitorii acestui sport.

O decizie proasta pentru snookerul in sine.

Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Vlad Răzvan Trimite mesaj privat
Mrs. Hendry
Addicted to snooker

Data înscrierii: 20/Noi/2004
Mesaje: 2360
Locație: pool hall

MesajTrimis: Joi 9 Sep 2010, 14:37    Titlul subiectului: Răspunde cu citat (quote)


CE VESTE BUNA Very Happy Tare ma bucur !

"Luck is an offensive, abhorrent concept. The idea that there is a force in the universe tilting events in your favor or against it is ridiculous." ~ Sherlock Holmes ~ Elementary
Vezi profilul utilizatorului Caută toate mesajele lui Mrs. Hendry Trimite mesaj privat Trimite un mesaj Vizitează site-ul autorului Codul Yahoo Messenger
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