Subiectul anterior :: Subiectul următor |
Cine credeti ca va cistiga titlul irlandez in acest sezon ? |
Peter Ebdon |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Ronnie O'Sullivan |
83% |
[ 10 ] |
Stephen Hendry |
16% |
[ 2 ] |
John Higgins |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Stephen Maguire |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Voturi totale : 12 |
Autor |
Mesaj |
Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Sâm 5 Mar 2005, 1:08 Titlul subiectului: General |
* Primele meciuri :
Peter Ebdon - Dave Harold
Jimmy White - Mark Selby
Marco Fu - Robert Milkins
Paul Hunter - Tony Drago
Matthew Stevens - Anthony Hamilton
Chris Small - Ian McCulloch
Steve Davis - Mark Davis
Stephen Hendry - Robin Hull
Mark J. Williams - Paul Davies
Alan McManus - Nigel Bond
Stephen Lee - James Wattana
John Higgins - Michael Judge
Ken Doherty - Barry Pinches
David Gray - Gerard Greene
Graeme Dott - Bary Hawkins
Ronnie O'Sullivan - Stephen Maguire
* Banii
Cistigatorul ia 40 000 lire
Finalistul : 20 000
Semifinalistul invins : 10 000
Sfert-finalistul invins : 7 000
Cei din ultimii 16 : 5 000
Ultimii 32 : 3 100
Ultimii 48 : 1 775
Ultimii 64 : 1 375
Cel mai mare break din etapa a 2-a : 2 000
Total premii : 250 000
Breakul maxim : 20 000
* Puțină istorie :
1978 : John Spencer ( finalist : Doug Mountjoy ); scor : 5-3; 1 000 lire
1979 : Doug Mountjoy ( Ray Reardon ); 6-5; 2 000
1980 : Terry Griffiths ( Doug Mountjoy ); 9-8; 2 500
1981 : Terry Griffiths ( Ray Reardon ); 9-7; 5 000
1982 : Terry Griffiths ( Steve Davis ); 9-5; 6 400
1983 : Steve Davis ( Ray Reardon ); 9-2;10 680
1984 : Steve Davis ( Terry Griffiths ); 9-1; 12 295
1985 : Jimmy White ( Alex Higgins ); 9-5; 18 000
1986 : Jimmy White ( Willie Thorne ); 9-5; 20 869
1987 : Steve Davis ( Willie Thorne ); 9-1; 22 500
1988 : Steve Davis ( Neal Foulds ); 9-4; 26 080
1989 : Alex Higgins ( Stephen Hendry ); 9-8; 27 242
1990 : Steve Davis ( Dennis Taylor ); 9-4; 37 000
1991 : Steve Davis ( John Parrott ); 9-5; 36 000
1992 : Stephen Hendry ( Ken Doherty ); 9-6; 40 375
1993 : Steve Davis ( Alan McManus ); 9-4; 45 000
1994 : Steve Davis ( Alan McManus ); 9-8; 48 000
1995 : Peter Ebdon ( Stephen Hendry ); 9-8; 70 000
1996 : Darren Morgan ( Steve Davis ); 9-8; 70 000
1997 : Stephen Hendry ( Darren Morgan ); 9-8; 72 000
1998 : Ken Doherty ( Ronnie O’Sullivan ); 3-9; 61 130 (Ronnie descalificat )
1999 : Stephen Hendry ( Stephen Lee ); 9-8; 63 226
2000 : John Higgins ( Stephen Hendry ); 9-4; 54 949
2001 : Ronnie O’Sullivan ( Stephen Hendry ); 9-8; 61 500
2002 : John Higgins ( Peter Ebdon ); 10-3; 65 000
2003 : Ronnie O’Sullivan ( John Higgins ); 10-9; 48 000
2004 : Peter Ebdon ( Mark King ); 10-7; 48 000
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Sus |
CristinaRo Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 1025 Locație: Ploiesti
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zsolt_tuser Administrator
Data înscrierii: 23/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 1250 Locație: Germania
Trimis: Sâm 5 Mar 2005, 16:44 Titlul subiectului: |
Eu am votat cu Hendry, dar cred ca si Ronnie are sanse cel putin egale.
_________________ "Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination."
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Dum 6 Mar 2005, 5:09 Titlul subiectului: |
* KEN DOHERTY intra primul in "ring". In numarul de azi, "The Sun", publica un interviu cu el. Ken pare a crede ca mai are doar 5 ( !... ) sanse de a redeveni campion mondial : “I will be 36 in September and I would say any chance I have of winning the world title would disappear when I have gone over the age of 40. That would be about the limit for me as far as I am concerned. The next four and five years will be the most important in my career. If I don’t win the world title again in that period I think that would be it for me, my chance would have gone.”
S-a simtit oarecum batrin in ultima vreme, mai ales dupa ce, la Wembley, a fost eliminat de un copilandru de 17ani — Ding Junhui. Desi se lupta cu acea infectie la ureche... Dar parca nu e pregatit sa cedeze lupta : “Your career doesn’t suddenly come to an end at the age of 34 or whatever as it does for soccer players or perhaps even earlier for people in other sports. You can play into your 40s and do well. You have only to look at Jimmy White and Steve Davis, who are 43 and 46 respectively, to realise that. They are still ranked highly but, as I said, they might be at an age where it is a little unrealistic to think that they can win the World Championship. There are younger players coming up behind the likes of me and the others but that is always going to happen in any sport. It’s healthy and the sport needs it. It is especially good to see players coming out of places like China because if the sport is to survive and prosper we need players from as many countries as possible, not just Britain and Ireland. OK, it might make it even more difficult for me to be successful but it is good for the sport overall so you cannot complain about it.”
Dar nu se plinge de forma proasta, mai ales ca nici in anul in care a devenit campion mondial nu avusese un sezon stralucit : "The year I won the World Championship, I had a terrible run-in. I lost in the first round of the British Open, the Wembley Masters and the Irish Masters. I hope it will be a case of history repeating itself with the exception, of course, of this tournament because I don’t want to get beaten by Barry on Sunday. But that just goes to show you how fickle sport can be and how your fortunes can change in an instant."
Crede ca fanii de acasa il vor sprijini. Dar stiu si eu... Citywest Hotel nu seamana cu Wembley-ul, iar fanii lui Ken nu prea seamana nici ei cu cei ai lui Jimmy... In plus, e de remarcat ca, desi "acasa", Ken nu a cistigat NICIODATA titlul irlandez... In '98, i-a fost acordat din cauza unui test anti-drog, care a atestat prezenta urmelor de cannabis in singele lui Ronnishor... Totusi el pare increzator : “I’d love to win this one in front of the home crowd. Wouldn’t it be just fantastic?”
Cu Barry Pinches ( care e cu doar un an mai tinar si cu doar un loc in urma lui in clasament ) Doherty nu s-a intilnit niciodata intr-un turneu : “We did come across each other on the pro-am circuit before that so I do know his game and the fact that he is now in the top 16 shows he is a good player. It is a big match for both of us but I am hopeful that playing on home soil, with an Irish crowd behind me, I will be able to come through. I don’t think I have become a bad player overnight and I am relishing the challenge of getting things going again. The key is to play as though it means nothing when it means everything and that is what I am trying to do.”
* Meciurile de azi ( I ) :
ora ( Romaniei ) 16.00
Ken Doherty - Barry Pinches 5-3
Paul Hunter - Tony Drago 5-3
Matthew Stevens - Anthony Hamilton 5-3
Alan McManus - Nigel Bond 5-4
ora 21.00
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Ultima modificare efectuată Clara White la Lun 7 Mar 2005, 0:53, modificat de 5 ori în total |
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CristinaRo Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 1025 Locație: Ploiesti
Trimis: Dum 6 Mar 2005, 9:09 Titlul subiectului: |
Clara White a scris: |
In plus, e de remarcat ca, desi "acasa", Ken nu a cistigat NICIODATA titlul irlandez...
Si totusi el a intrat in posesia titlului in 1998.
Vreau doar sa dau un citat din Irish Masters History din "Dublin’s own Ken Doherty reached the final in 1998 and although it was Ronnie O’Sullivan who won the match, his failing of a subsequent drug test meant that he forfeited the title and so Ken became the Republic’s first champion."
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - Masters 2010, Wuxi Classic 2012
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Cold_Fever Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 26/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 296 Locație: Bucuresti
Trimis: Dum 6 Mar 2005, 14:09 Titlul subiectului: |
Am o problema , de ce nu e si Steve pe lista celor cu sanse de a castiga ?!
_________________ He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not , will be victorious.
Sun Tzu - The Art of War
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luiza_hunter Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 23/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 422 Locație: Constanța
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
Sus |
Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Dum 6 Mar 2005, 17:25 Titlul subiectului: |
CristinaRo a scris: |
Clara White a scris: |
In plus, e de remarcat ca, desi "acasa", Ken nu a cistigat NICIODATA titlul irlandez...
Si totusi el a intrat in posesia titlului in 1998.
Vreau doar sa dau un citat din Irish Masters History din "Dublin’s own Ken Doherty reached the final in 1998 and although it was Ronnie O’Sullivan who won the match, his failing of a subsequent drug test meant that he forfeited the title and so Ken became the Republic’s first champion." |
Păi, ti-ai dat tot tu raspunsul . Modul in care a dobindit titlul in '98 face lucrurile clare : titlul ii apartinea, de fapt, lui Ronnie... Din punct de vedere scriptic, birocratic, legal, pentru statistici, etc, invingator a fost Ken, dar nici el nu se lauda cu titlul acesta. Pentru ca, din punct de vedere moral, nu este al lui. Vezi si diferenta de scor ( 9-3 !...). De aceea si sustin ca Doherty nu a cistigat niciodata trofeul. L-a ... "primit"...
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Sus |
CristinaRo Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 1025 Locație: Ploiesti
Trimis: Dum 6 Mar 2005, 17:29 Titlul subiectului: Ken Doherty |
Sunt de acord cu tine Clara, pentru ca n-am mentionat nicaieri ca l-ar fi castigat!
* Pentru rezultate partiale la Irish Masters puteti vizita site-ul
La aceasta ora (18.45 ora Romaniei):
Paul Hunter - Tony Drago 4-3
Matthew Stevens - Anthony Hamilton 3-3
Alan McManus - Nigel Bond 3-2
Ken Doherty - Barry Pinches 3-2
(Scuze Clara, nu vreau sa-ti iau locul, dar m-am gandit ca prietenii nostri ar vrea sa afle cat mai curand aceste rezultate)
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - Masters 2010, Wuxi Classic 2012
Sus |
luiza_hunter Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 23/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 422 Locație: Constanța
Sus |
Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Dum 6 Mar 2005, 21:31 Titlul subiectului: |
* Eh, Luiza, dorim noi, dorim, dar... ( vezi ce spuneam ceva mai sus )
* PAUL HUNTER are o mica problema de sanatate : in urma cu citeva zile, din cauza unei dureri abdominale persistente, s-a dus la doctor si, dupa mai multe ecografii si suspiciuni ba de apendicita, ba de tulburari renale, s-a hotarit : se va rezolva cu bisturiul. "Generally I’m not one for hospitals or doctors. I didn’t want to withdraw from the tournament – I’d play on my death bed. The doctor said I could come to Ireland and play, but if the pain is still there when I come back I’ll need to have keyhole surgery. It’s only a small operation, lasting between 15 and 30 minutes. He said I’d feel groggy afterwards for two or three days, but hopefully it won’t stop me playing in China or Sheffield. I know I’ve got to get this checked out because it was uncomfortable when I was playing today and there’s also some pain when I sneeze or hiccup.”
Paul a mai fost pe masa chirugicala in 2002, din cauza unui chist testicular benign. Cu snookerul ? “I hadn’t won a match since November so it’s an important result for me. I played well from 3-2 down and it’s a nice feeling to know that I can still pot them.” Si chiar bine as zice : azi un 132 !
* KEN se simte mai bine - tot a ramas cu o găurică in timpan, dar zice ca e more or less OK. “There was a lot of pressure on me today as I have something to prove to the people here, and if I had lost, my top 16 place would have been in jeopardy. So it’s a relief to win and hopefully this will be a platform to build on. I’ve been trying 100 per cent but my results haven’t been too good and sometimes you feel like you are banging your head against a brick wall. Apart from the World Championship, this is the most important tournament of the season for me so I’ll be giving it my best.”
* Meciurile de azi ( II )
JIMMY WHITE MBE - Mark Selby 5-1
John Higgins - MICHAEL JUDGE 4-5
STEVE DAVIS OBE - Mark C. Davis 5-2
GERARD GREENE - David Gray 5-4
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Ultima modificare efectuată Clara White la Lun 7 Mar 2005, 18:34, modificat de 7 ori în total |
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Smaranda Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 332
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
Sus |