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Cine credeti ca va cistiga titlul irlandez in acest sezon ? |
Peter Ebdon |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Ronnie O'Sullivan |
83% |
[ 10 ] |
Stephen Hendry |
16% |
[ 2 ] |
John Higgins |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Stephen Maguire |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Voturi totale : 12 |
Autor |
Mesaj |
Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
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Lady Croft Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 24/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 1980 Locație: Petrosani (Hunedoara)
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Lady Croft Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 24/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 1980 Locație: Petrosani (Hunedoara)
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Joi 10 Mar 2005, 22:38 Titlul subiectului: |
* MARK J. e "cautiously optimistic” in ceea ce priveste revenirea sa de forma, dupa aproape doi ani de mers „tîrîș-grăpiș”, mai ales ca se indreapta spre prima sa prezență intr-o finala de Masters ( de orice fel de Masters ). Acel 141 atit de aproape de personal best 142 ? Mark recunoaste : "I don't make that many 140s, ( ) but once the frame was safe I knew the high break was on. I also knew I had a performance like that somewhere in the locker. I've been playing well in practice and this is a platform to build on." In plus, se simte multumit de sine : "Apart from a couple of shots I'm over the moon with how I played." A si muncit, spune el, in fiecare zi lasata de Dumnezeu, inclusiv duminicile si, "if I can play like that I will be tough to beat - but it's only one match so I'm not going to get too carried away. In fact, I can't believe I'm still here because I never do well in this tournament. I can't remember the last time I played anything like that and I'm just pleased to be in a semi-final. I knew a performance like that was somewhere in the locker because I've been playing well in practice for a while. I'm not getting carried away because it's only one match, but hopefully this is a platform to build on. I did let my practice slip for a while but I have been working every day for the last two months. I want to go to Sheffield at the end of the season with some confidence."
Cu RONNIE, Mark nu s-a mai intilnit intr-un turneu ( ca asa, de placere & amicitie, e greu de imaginat !... ) de la semifinalele Mastersului thailandez din 2002 – si asta e departe de a fi o amintire neplacuta pentru galez : a cistigat meciul cu 5-2 ! Acum ii dă mîna să glumească : "I could be playing him in a few first round matches next season !" ( ) Dar redevine serios : "Ronnie is playing at a different level to everyone else at the moment, the only one close to him is Stephen Hendry. Hopefully if I do play him it will bring the best out of me. I know I'll have to play at least as well as I did today to have a chance."
* STEPHEN LEE, care fusese atit de amărît dupa ce pierduse meciul de la Wembley cu Stephen Hendry, încît îl bătea gindul retragerii, a suportat infringerea de azi mult mai usor. Ce zice "Baby-face" ? : "The difference now is that I feel like playing again. I took 10 days off after Wembley and I'm going to take another couple of weeks off before I go to China. I only practised twice for half an hour this week and it seems to have worked. ( ) I love the game but when you put in the hard work and don't get anything out of it, you fall out of love. I could have gone out in the first round here because James Wattana played really well against me. But that was an outstanding game against Mark. You wouldn't have believed we've both struggled to win a match all season. It was a top class game and you wouldn't guess that myself and Mark have both been struggling this season. I didn't miss many, just the yellow in the ninth frame cost me, I just caught Mark on his day. It's nice to be involved and to feel like I'm playing well again."
* Reiau scorurile :
Mark J. Williams - Stephen Lee 6-4
16-118 (62), 1-80(76), 141-0(141), 105-14(105), 1-67(66), 99-7(99), 102-0(64), 1-93(87), 79-47, 75-49
Ronnie O'Sullivan - Gerard Greene 6-4
67-2, 107-1 (107), 56-81, 86-1, 137-7(137), 19-92, 31-68, 27-50,128-0(128)
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Vin 11 Mar 2005, 2:52 Titlul subiectului: |
* RONNIE si-a evaluat jocul : "I made a lot of mistakes in the inner game, little shots here and there. My all round game was not great. And I played a couple of shots deliberately knowing something could go wrong. It's not that I don't like Ireland or I want to lose but I just get these thoughts in my head which I hate. And if I had lost then I would have been pig sick. At times I thought I shouldn’t be out there, I should go and get a job. There must have been retired players thinking they should get their cues out again. Gerard had chances and he’s only got himself to blame because I was there for the taking. I need to brush up on my game but I’m still in the tournament." Totusi nu se simte bine in Irlanda, raceala inca nu i-a trecut de tot, si nu-i place sa stea in camera de hotel : "I hate being ill and I get really upset when I am. It feels as though I have been in prison. I haven't seen any daylight so hopefully now I can get some fresh air before I play again." A fost intrebat de meciul cu MARK : "I have nothing to prove. I knew Mark was waiting for me in the semis and I used that as my motivation to win tonight. There was a part of me that wanted to go home tonight, but I will have no trouble being up for playing Mark. I’m looking forward to the buzz and it will be good for both of our games in preparation for Sheffield. I will have to be at my best to beat him."
Semifinalele ( best of 17 ) ( I )
Robert Milkins - Matthew Stevens 8-9
20-77, 60-45, 70-19(51), 1-80, 73-66, 89-0(51), 24-70(70), 1-81(56), 77-0(77), 52-31, 84-6(62), 28-65(51), 59-25, 12-78, 62-66, 9-72, 22-71(51)
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Ultima modificare efectuată Clara White la Sâm 12 Mar 2005, 0:19, modificat de 21 ori în total |
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Data înscrierii: 26/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 7 Locație: undeva
Trimis: Vin 11 Mar 2005, 14:50 Titlul subiectului: |
haide ronnie
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Lady Croft Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 24/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 1980 Locație: Petrosani (Hunedoara)
Trimis: Vin 11 Mar 2005, 17:31 Titlul subiectului: |
Dupa cum a jucat ieri...chiar crede cineva ca Ronnie va pierde!?
_________________ It all can be over in just one blink of an eye...but the memory will always remain in the mind! NEVER FORGETT...ALWAYS REMEMBER!
I Snooker!
Laureată a Premiului Oscue - China Open 2011
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Smaranda Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 332
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Sâm 12 Mar 2005, 4:17 Titlul subiectului: |
* Alaltaieri, MARK WILLIAMS spusese asa, in trecere, vorbe ... profetice : "Matthew and I have been having a bit of banter this week because we've both actually won a few games for a change. It's nice to see him doing well and hopefully we'll both get into the final." Nu le-am citat pentru ca 1) nu le-am prea luat in serios si 2) "după atita frig si ceață" in cariera galezilor, ma temeam s[ nu ii ... deochi, avind in vedere ca iar "s-arata soarele". Ieri, insa, s-a dovedit ca Mark a bien vu. Macar pe jumatate. Meciul & situatia nu aratau deloc roz in primele jocuri ale primei sesiuni. Ulterior, MATTHEW STEVENS a recunoscut ca se si vedea was "dead and buried" si pe cale sa cedeze. Din propria experienta din ultimul ( cam lung ) timp, stie ce inseamna sa „nu-ti mearga jocul” : "I felt lost not so much at 8-5 but at 8-6. If that red hadn't gone in I could have shaken his hand. I do feel for Rob because it's happened to me so many times. I'm just glad this time it all came right for me. It's been a while since I've been in a final but I'm going to enjoy it." De bila aceea rosie se vorbeste/scrie deja destul : unii au numit-o "the shot of a lifetime” De bile aceea rosie o sa-si tot aminteasca, negresit, si ROBERT MILKINS. Multa vreme de acum incolo : "That's the best red I've ever seen because he was in all sorts of trouble. I do think I deserved to win but the way he potted that red and cleared up it demoralised me. I've had a good tournament and I would have taken a semi-final before the start. But when I wake up tomorrow I will still feel I should be in the final." Si, intr-adevar, pina spre sfirsit, cind a jucat absolut aiurea, Milkins a fost, cred eu, mai bun decit Stevens. ( Dar, in declaratiile lui anterioare, revenea des asupra mentalului : am si subliniat, in cele vreo cinci rinduri, de 3 ori cuvintul „cap” !... ) A mai accentuat ideea si o data si ieri : "If I had have had anyone else's head on my shoulders I would be doing fine. I definitely believe I am a top 16 player. But unfortunately my head is not in the top 16.”
Iar finala ? MATT zice : "I don't care who I play but it would be nice if it was an all Welsh final with Mark." Matt darling, dream on !... Sau mai stii ?!...
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Ultima modificare efectuată de către Clara White la Sâm 12 Mar 2005, 16:11, modificat de 1 dată în total |
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Aura Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 20/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 345 Locație: Bucuresti
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Sâm 12 Mar 2005, 16:10 Titlul subiectului: |
* Inainte de meci. Ca sa avem the whole picture, iata cum s-au desfasurat "ostilitatile". RONNIE scrisese : "I can't think of anyone in the game who likes Williams, he just rubs you up the wrong way." Vexat, pe buna dreptate, MARK comentase : "If you are stupid, you say stupid things. I always want to stick it up Ronnie every time we play." Anyway, ca sa adaug la declaratiile citate ceva mai sus, azi, MARK a ținut sa precizeze nu are nici o intentie sa se implice in continuarea acestui vechi „razboi al vorbelor” cu RONNIE. De fapt, pina acum, nici englezul nu a revenit asupra afirmatiei sale, ce-i drept, cam pripite, si nu l-a declarat pe galez „agreabil”, nici acesta nu i-a iertat ofensa si nu a revenit asupra replicii proprii, etichetindu-l, mai nou, ca „destept”. Deci, meci nul. La cuvinte. La snooker, e alta poveste. ( STEPHEN HENDRY nici macar nu s-a obosit sa raspunda agresiunii verbale de acum doi-trei ani a Ron-Ron*-ului. ) Azi, Mark a spus ca nu obisnuieste sa poarte pica "greșiților" lui : "There is no animosity on my part. I am too old now to worry about things like that. "I just want to get on with my game. Ronnie is playing much better snooker than anyone and he must be practising hard to get the results he has been doing. "He played outstandingly in the Masters final at Wembley. So, if I can't get up for playing the world number one and the world champion there is something wrong. I will be out there trying 100 per cent." Daca ne gindim ca, in fond, galezul e inca numarul 2 in clasamentul mondial DAR, in clasamentul provizoriu 14, ar face bine, intr-adevar sa nu se gindeasca decit la meci. "I am disappointed to be down the rankings and I think I am a lot better than the rankings show. There are a few players who have not done well either and they have hardly moved. I am just glad I seem to be running into a bit of form. The problem is I don't think it will come back as quickly as it went. It is a long hard struggle to get it back but I think I am on the right road."
( * "Maternitatea" nostimului nume de alint dat mai sus ii apartine lui Mrs. Hendry ! )
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Ultima modificare efectuată Clara White la Sâm 12 Mar 2005, 22:33, modificat de 3 ori în total |
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Marius Crisan Vizitator
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Sâm 12 Mar 2005, 19:10 Titlul subiectului: |
Nu ne incurci cu nimic, dimpotriva, ne face placere sa ne fii vizitator, desi mai mare placere ne-ar face sa ne fii coleg de forum ( ! ) Teoretic, breakul maxim posibil ar fi de 155. Nu exista insa nici o dovada ca el a si fost vreodata realizat. Cel mai mare break realizat intr-o competitie oficiala este cel de 148 al scotianului JAMIE BURNETT, in calificarile pentru UK Championship, toamna trecuta.
Iata ce scria "The Guardian" de luni, 18 octombrie 2004 : Jamie Burnett, a 29-year-old Scot who stands 49th in the world rankings, made the first break of 148 ever recorded in competition in beating Leo Fernandez 9-8 in the second qualifying round of the UK Championship at Prestatyn. (articol semnat de faimosul expert in snooker Clive Everton )
La threadul TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW exista un topic : LINKURI UTILE.
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Ultima modificare efectuată de către Clara White la Dum 13 Mar 2005, 5:32, modificat de 1 dată în total |
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Marius Crisan Vizitator
Trimis: Sâm 12 Mar 2005, 22:16 Titlul subiectului: |
Da, o sa fac si o inregistrare pe forum, sa nu raman doar cu statut de vizitator. Multumesc de sfat si de invitatie:) Pana atunci insa, as vrea sa va incerc rabdarea cu o alta intrebare, sau mai bine zis o cerere de lamurire. Este vorba de un break de 148, sau de un scor de 148? Nefiind un foarte bun cunoscator al regulamentului, va intreb daca punctele aduse de fault-ul unui jucator se considera primele puncte din break-ul celuilalt (si in acest caz inteleg cum se poate face break de 148), sau break-ul celuilalt va incepe de la 0? Va multumesc
Sus |
Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20822 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Sâm 12 Mar 2005, 22:25 Titlul subiectului: |
Punctele "primite cadou" din faulturi intra la scor. Breakurile se numara separat, asa cum poti vedea si la afisarea rezultatelor : breakurile sunt cele dintre paranteze. Niciodata nu se adauga punctele-cadou la numaratoarea breakului.Te invit sa vizitezi threadul care se ocupa de problemele tehnice : ASK US NOW.
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
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