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luiza_hunter Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 23/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 422 Locație: Constanța
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Mrs. Hendry Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 20/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 2360 Locație: pool hall
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zsolt_tuser Administrator
Data înscrierii: 23/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 1250 Locație: Germania
Trimis: Vin 1 Apr 2005, 11:18 Titlul subiectului: |
Ma bucur foarte mult ca Stephen a castigat meciul si intr-o maniera categorica, dar totusi, nici un break de peste 100 nici in meciul cu Ricky Walden, nici in meciul cu Ryan Day?
_________________ "Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination."
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20812 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Vin 1 Apr 2005, 12:16 Titlul subiectului: |
Peste 5000 de fani chinezi ai snookerului au urmarit azi-noapte un web-chat live si au intrat in legatura prin e-mail cu KEN DOHERTY si STEPHEN LEE, care au raspuns la intrebari. O mostra :
How do you feel about coming to China ?
Ken : We’re very happy to be here. It’s so important to promote snooker in places like this and help it to become a more global sport. The players have much more of a star status here and we enjoy that.
Are you looking forward to playing each other tonight ?
Stephen Lee :It will be a good test for us both. The winner will have every chance of going through to the final. It’s important to have tough matches at this time of the season with the World Championship coming up soon.
Ken, why did you miss the 15th black when you were on a 147 against Quinten Hann?
Ken (laughing): It was just nerves. I have to be honest about it, the pressure got to me. But it wasn’t as bad as missing the final black when I was on a maximum in the Masters final a few years ago.
Ken, what’s your favourite frame of your career?
Ken : That’s a tough one, but there’s one that sticks in the mind from the final of the 1996 World Cup in Bangkok. I was playing Stephen Hendry and I was 66 points behind with five reds left. I made a really good 67 clearance to win it.
Stephen, it’s often said that you have the best cue action in snooker. How did you develop this cue action?
Stephen Lee: Your technique is partly a gift that you are born with so I suppose I am just lucky to have natural ability. But however gifted you are, you have to be dedicated and practise very hard to be successful in snooker. There have been many players over the years who have underachieved because they have not worked hard enough on their game.
Stephen, what do you think of Chinese girls?
Stephen Lee (laughing): I’m getting married soon and I have children so I’m not available! But all of the Chinese people I’ve met have been very kind and friendly.
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Ultima modificare efectuată de către Clara White la Vin 1 Apr 2005, 16:38, modificat de 1 dată în total |
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Mrs. Hendry Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 20/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 2360 Locație: pool hall
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Miss Chigwell Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 27/Mar/2005 Mesaje: 1596 Locație: Baia Mare
Trimis: Vin 1 Apr 2005, 13:06 Titlul subiectului: |
Iaca o sinteza a extremelor snooker-ului, whitewash versus decider, aplicabila la China Open. The experts are kindly invited to comment on it.
Junhui/Ebdon, turul 2
Stephen Lee/Habib Subah, turul 2
Steve DAvis/Michael Holt, turul 2
Mark Williams/Liang Wen Bo, turul 2
St.Hendry/R.Walden, sferturi
Hunter/Carter, turul 2
Alan McManus/A.Hamilton, turul 2
Junhui/Bingham, sferturi
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Mrs. Hendry Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 20/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 2360 Locație: pool hall
Trimis: Vin 1 Apr 2005, 13:10 Titlul subiectului: :) |
Am sa ma folosesc de this topic pentru a-i ura si a gandi toate cele bune pentru Ding Junhui, de ziua dumnealui.
N-am vrut sa deschid un topic pentru Ding la jucatorul preferat. Asta ar trebui s-o faca un fan al lui sau cineva care doreste sa spuna anumite chestii despre Ding.
Dupa cum spuneam... Toate cele bune...
_________________ "Luck is an offensive, abhorrent concept. The idea that there is a force in the universe tilting events in your favor or against it is ridiculous." ~ Sherlock Holmes ~ Elementary
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Mrs. Hendry Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 20/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 2360 Locație: pool hall
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20812 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Vin 1 Apr 2005, 14:06 Titlul subiectului: |
* Trecind peste o febra musculara incipienta, cauzata de exercitiile la sala de gimnastica a hotelului si pe linga o retragere & medicala & din turneu, STEPHEN HENDRY a zburat usor pe deasupra ( valoric ) lui RICKY WALDEN, care il privea din adincul prapastiei in care e ( locul 78 !... ). Bietul de el nu a marcat nici un punct in trei dintre primele patru jocuri … "I woke up on Friday feeling very sore and thought I might be in trouble. It was one of those fluky things. All I did was go on the rowing machine and stuff like that. I went down to the practice table at 10am and getting down over the shot was a real struggle. I thought I might be in trouble but luckily I took some pain-killers and they helped a lot so I was fine during the match", a declarat Stephen, care a pierdut doar doua jocuri in cele trei meciuri din acest turneu. Astfel, raportul jocuri cistigate/jocuri pierdute este de 15/2. "I played very well again out there and that's always a good feeling. That's as good as I've played all season.”
* MARK WILLIAMS s-a declarat “jenat” de ineficienta propriului sau joc. E adevarat ca il durea capul, dat tot el a spus : "The way I played was embarrassing. Form-wise I seem to go three steps forward, then four steps back. I can't seem to sustain any form for a long period of time. It was exactly the same at the Irish Masters. I started off well then played terribly against Ronnie in the semi-finals. Alan will be the first to admit that he played rubbish and still beat me easily. . I don't seem to be able to find any consistency.”
* ALAN McMANUS : "I knew that Mark was under the weather and that put me off. I kept wondering if he was going to be able to carry on and my concentration let me down." Probabil ca scotianului inca nu i-au iesit din minte recentele “bătăițe” luate de la galez si la Masters, si la Irish Masters. "We both struggled and there were a lot of mistakes but I felt good out there. My concentration lapsed a few times and I will need to really zone in against Stephen. Although Ronnie O'Sullivan has been dominating this season, Stephen has been very consistent. But hopefully I can give him a game."
* Ce aniversare a avut DING ! Major si semifinalist. Si chiar erou national. "It was a tough match and there was pressure but I wasn't nervous. My safety was much better than it was yesterday against Stuart Bingham. I'm looking forward to the semi-finals now. If I were to get through to the final, it would be an easier match if I played Alan McManus. But I would learn more if I played Stephen Hendry. I just hope I can give my parents more happiness in the future." Va juca impotriva lui unui fost campion mondial pe care multi dintre neofiții snookerului nici macar nu au apucat sa-l vada jucind KEN DOHERTY si va fi un meci-retur : la Masters, tinarul chinez l-a invins pe irlandez cu 6-1.
* KEN : "I'm delighted, I played some really good snooker. It's the first time I have beaten a top eight player this season and that shows that my form is coming back slowly. There's still a long way to go but I am improving and that's just what I need looking ahead to the World Championship. If I can keep notching up the wins then the confidence will keep coming back. My ranking position is looking a lot better which takes a bit of pressure off. I'm still not guaranteed to be in the top 16 next season and my first match at Sheffield will be very important, but if I could get to the final here it wouldn't do any harm. I've worked very hard this season often with no benefits and that has been so frustrating. At times I thought that my game had abandoned me and I couldn't see a way out. But I kept faith and never gave up hope." PAUL pare sa-si fi epuizat suflul in meciul cu JIMMY : in ultimele patru jocuri, nu a marcat decit un singur punct.
Stephen Hendry - Ricky Walden 5-0
Mark J. Williams - Alan McManus 2-5
Marco Fu - Ding Junhui 2-5
Paul Hunter - Ken Doherty 1-5
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
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Aura Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 20/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 345 Locație: Bucuresti
Trimis: Sâm 2 Apr 2005, 13:33 Titlul subiectului: |
Stephen Hendry MBE 6 - 4 Alan McManus
62-30, 29-52, 46-83, (85) 111-1, 62-48, 65-79 (62), (109) 109-4, (112) 125-0, 19-85, 67-57
Frumos meci..mai ales partea finala. Totusi pacat ca n-am avut parte de un joc decisiv. Atunci ar fi fost chiar interesant. ![Smile](images/smiles/icon_smile.gif)
_________________ "I want to make the balls talk, that's what it is all about." Ronnie
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Aura Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 20/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 345 Locație: Bucuresti
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CristinaRo Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 1025 Locație: Ploiesti
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20812 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Sâm 2 Apr 2005, 17:19 Titlul subiectului: |
Stephen Hendry - Alan McManus 6-4
Ding Junhui - Ken Doherty 6-0
* DING va juca prima sa finala cu STEPHEN . "At the start of the week I could never have imagined that I’d be playing Hendry in the final," a spus el. "It will be a very difficult match tomorrow and I will try my best to take my chances. I will be focussed and I won’t worry about the result, whatever happens it’s a great boost to my confidence for next season. Ken didn’t play well tonight and I was relaxed and confident, especially after beating him at Wembley. I’m very lucky to have so much support here."
* KEN, care are cu 17 ani mai mult decit micul chinez, n-a avut incotro si a recunoscut : "Losing the second and third frames hurt me. I could have been 3-1 up at the interval instead of 4-0 down and it was the early frames that cost me. After that there was nothing I could do. Ding was superb, I was surprised at how well he played. He was absolutely flying at the end. After beating Paul I had aspirations of winning this tournament but they evaporated very quickly. Ding was excellent."
* "It was very tough going. I can't remember being involved in a best-of- 11-frame match that lasted so long. Alan plays the tactical game better than anyone in the world. His safety is second to none and that made it very hard for me to build up any kind of rhythm. When I'm missing balls my game goes to pieces but it doesn't seem to bother Alan. He just keeps plodding away and that means he's always hard to beat," dixit STEPHEN HENDRY, invingator in 22 dintre cele 30 de intilniri oficiale ale lor. Dar a adaugat : "I'm not criticising him in any way shape or form. He's a real grinder but he didn't pot a single long ball all day and that cost him the match. I played very well, the best I've done all season." Un meci-maraton ( 3 ore si 40 de minute !!!... ), la capatul caruia Stephen paseste in a 56-a finala de mare turneu a carierei lui ( dintre care a invins, pina acum, in 36 ).
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Ultima modificare efectuată Clara White la Dum 3 Apr 2005, 12:46, modificat de 3 ori în total |
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Mrs. Hendry Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 20/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 2360 Locație: pool hall
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luiza_hunter Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 23/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 422 Locație: Constanța
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