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Miss Chigwell Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 27/Mar/2005 Mesaje: 1596 Locație: Baia Mare
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20812 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Dum 3 Apr 2005, 20:34 Titlul subiectului: |
Asta, recunosc, m-ar deranja mai putin decit ma deranjeaza informatiile inexacte pe care Marius Ancuta le pune in circulatie, a cita oara, fara pic de grija pentru propria credibilitate :
1.- Ding nu urca de pe 58 pe 54, ci, in mod stupid & ironic, cu cele 400 de puncte, coboara de pe 54 pe 58 !!!
2.- Ding nu ia nici un ban din premiu - din acelasi motiv pentru care se alege cu numai 10% din punctaj : a avut lipsa de inspiratie sa aleaga varianta wildcard.
[ De pe site-ul Embassy : But from the sublime to the ridiculous as Ding, a wild card entry, is not entitled to any of the L30,000 winners prize money and earns ranking points only as far as round two, where, under orders, he withdrew from the event to make sure he could play in Beijing.
His ranking points total was just 400 compared to 4,000 for the winner, and on the provisional ranking list, he actually drops to 58th from No.54.]
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
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Aura Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 20/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 345 Locație: Bucuresti
Trimis: Dum 3 Apr 2005, 21:29 Titlul subiectului: |
Clara White a scris: |
Asta, recunosc, m-ar deranja mai putin decit ma deranjeaza informatiile inexacte pe care Marius Ancuta le pune in circulatie, a cita oara, fara pic de grija pentru propria credibilitate :
1.- Ding nu urca de pe 58 pe 54, ci, in mod stupid & ironic, cu cele 400 de puncte, coboara de pe 54 pe 58 !!!
2.- Ding nu ia nici un ban din premiu - din acelasi motiv pentru care se alege cu numai 10% din punctaj : a avut lipsa de inspiratie sa aleaga varianta wildcard.
[ De pe site-ul Embassy : But from the sublime to the ridiculous as Ding, a wild card entry, is not entitled to any of the L30,000 winners prize money and earns ranking points only as far as round two, where, under orders, he withdrew from the event to make sure he could play in Beijing.
His ranking points total was just 400 compared to 4,000 for the winner, and on the provisional ranking list, he actually drops to 58th from No.54.] |
Mi s-a parut mie dubioasa faza cu premiul dat fiind ca zisese pe la inceputul turneului ca detinatorii wildcardurilor nu primesc premii in bani. Eh..ce sa-i cam obisnuit cu greselile dansului.
_________________ "I want to make the balls talk, that's what it is all about." Ronnie
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20812 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Dum 3 Apr 2005, 21:40 Titlul subiectului: |
* Dap... Tare nu-mi place sa vad cum unii "formatori de opinie" iau oamenii drept prosti sau neinformati sau both !... Nu sunt de acord cu resemnarea Aurei in fatza "greselilor dansului". Daca ne multumim cu putzin, nimeni nu isi va da silintza sa ne ofere altceva decit ... putzin etc. Cerc vicios.
* Din articolul citat mai sus ( ), merita mentionat aspectul ca Ding a "ales" varianta wildcard-ului under orders - ale oficialilor de la Beijing, desigur ! Atita incredere aveau in el, nu le-ar fi rusine, incit au vrut sa fie siguri ca va fi printre cei din fazele superioare !... Drept care l-au privat de premiul in bani... Comunisti afurisiti !
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
Ultima modificare efectuată de către Clara White la Lun 4 Apr 2005, 4:00, modificat de 1 dată în total |
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20812 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Lun 4 Apr 2005, 3:51 Titlul subiectului: ECOURI |
* “The Scotsman” de azi, luni, pune un titlu dur : Ding sinks Hendry in Beijing final. Articolul nu aduce nimic nou, limitindu-se la a rezuma cele stiute. Citez, totusi, doua rinduri, din motive de argumentare pentru un reply postat mai sus : "But Ding will not receive a penny for his triumph even though the event carried L30,000 for the champion. As a wild card he is entitled to nothing, having withdrawn from the qualifying competition in January to accept wild-card status."
* “The Daily Telegraph” de azi publica un articol luuuung, intitulat Ding delivers a tasty victory Chinese style. Numarul telespectatorilor, aflam, a depasit, pentru finala, cifra de 100 de milioane, in conditiile in care peste 50 de milioane de chinezi joaca snooker in mod constant, iar numai in Beijing exista peste 800 de cluburi, al caror numar e de asteptat sa se tripleze in urmatorii ani, datorita victoriei lui Ding si faptului ca a dobindit statutul de star. Tot mai multi tineri vor dori sa-i urmeze exemplul. Numele așilor le sunt familiare tuturor : “An average taxi driver can tell you how many times Hendry has hit the magic 147 maximum break, and will marvel at the staying power of the evergreen Steve Davis.” Asa justifica autorul ( aflat la fața locului ) furia cu care toti umbla dupa autografele dragilor nostri, care s-au vazut literalmente sufocati de fani - intrebati-l pe Steve Davis !... Articolul evidentiaza si diferentele culturale comparind atmosfera din arenele europene, unde domneste acea liniste reverentioasa pe care o cunoastem cu cea din China, pe care noi am constatat-o acum : agresiva auditiv ( telefoanele ) si vizual ( blitzurile ). "Almost every match was stopped on a number of occasions because of crowd disruptions. The referees had to physically throw several people out of the stadium during the course of the week.” ( “the referees “?!... ) Stephen a dovedit multa intelegere : "We just need to be patient and understand how things are here and realise that it will improve with time. The fact that snooker is taking off here and they are producing players of Ding's talent is wonderful for the game." Iar ziaristul reia comentariul scotianului apropo de a fi au a nu fi agreat : da, chinezii il simpatizeaza, in plus, ( atentie, Mrs. Hendry !... ) “Giggling girls were rushing to get photos taken with him and many considered him to be the best looking player on show.”
* In “The People’s Daily” (ziar chinezesc, of course ), ni se spune ca primarul Beijingului ( va scutesc de nume ! ) l-a onorat pe Ding oferindu-i el trofeul si florile. Dar banii baiatului ?!... V-a dat prin gind sa-i dati din buzunarele voastre nomenklaturiste ?!... ‘ți voi de comunisti !!!
* ANN ( Asia News Network ) :Titlul - Teenager wins snooker crown. O poza a lui Ding cu mamica si anticiparea : "A snooker craze is expected to sweep China as the nation's snooker prodigy Ding Junhui wrote himself into the history books with a landmark victory over Scotland's snooker legend Stephen Hendry in Beijing Sunday. Cele citeva vorbe spuse de eroul zilei ( le stim deja ) + altele apartinind, evident, unui oficial : “This is a significant victory for the country bla bla bla" si o info inexacta : “[..] Ding [has] come from the qualifiers to win “ etc etc. Daca l-ar fi lasat sa se califice, acum avea copilul banii ! Apoi, citeva declaratii ale unor tineri care au de gind sa-i calce pe urme. Si opinii despre cum injecteaza Ding "fresh blood" in sportul dominat de britanici bla bla bla, totul incheindu-se cu laudele formulate de Ronnie ( "I think he will be a leading player in the pro tours in the future” ) si Peter ( “Ding is the best teenage player I have seen in recent years. If he can continue his form just like he showed during the event, there is no one that can defeat him. He is certainly one of the best contenders for the world championship and I am sure he will get it at a younger age than me." ).
* “The Guardian” isi declara șocul inca din titlul : Ding clinches Chinese title but misses out on cash prize. Si citez din articol : “Bizarrely, Ding did not earn a penny for his victory. He pulled out of the qualifiers after being invited into the tournament as a wildcard in order to ensure he played in his native country. It meant he was not eligible for any prize money. Even more bizarrely, he falls four places to 58th in the provisional standings as wildcards do not earn ranking points.”
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
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luiza_hunter Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 23/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 422 Locație: Constanța
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20812 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Lun 4 Apr 2005, 19:59 Titlul subiectului: Alte ecouri |
Am urmarit in fiecare zi a turneului ziarele chinezesti - editiile in limba engleza, of course - dar n-am avut ce va aduce de acolo. I mean, baiatul asta juca si cistiga meciuri intr-o veselie, de parca s-ar fi nascut cu tacul in mînuțe, iar presa lor, incheiata la toti nasturii hainei ca Mao, se marginea sa consemneze fara nici un élan adjectival, sec si scurt, rezultatele si atit. Gazetele englezesti se intreceau in inventivitatea alegerii superlativelor absolute, iar chinezii, nix. Ca si cum le-ar fi fost frica fie sa nu-si deoache snookeristul numarul 1, fie sa nu-i surprinda cineva in flagrant delict de… bucurie. Dar “The China Daily” de ieri isi ingaduie, at long last, sa savureze victoria eroului national. Am vazut ceva mai sus. Azi, am mai descoperit cite ceva.
* Xinhua News Agency : In fine, un adjectiv !!! Ba chiar doua !!! Aceleasi fapte - titlul : Amazing Ding savours incredible dream to win China Open.
* Victoria ( teoretic, de neimaginat ) a tinarului chinez a stirnit ecouri pina si in SUA ! Americanii nu prea "le au" cu snookerul. Numai un asemenea șoc ii putea scoate din ignoranta amorteala care ii caracterizeaza in acest domeniu anume. Iata de ce sunt bune șocurile. Ca si, pina la urma ( fara legatura cu Ding, mititelul ! ), tot ceea ce genereaza discutii. ALEX HIGGINS avea dreptate sa adere la cam cinica idee ca nu exista publicitate negativa, ci doar publicitate pur ( ?!...) si simplu ( !... ). Peste ocean nu se mai scrisese nimic legat de snooker de la schimbarea numelui lui Jimmy !... Azi, un important site de sport a publicat articolul Champion Ding predicts Chinese snooker revolution. Dincolo de senzationalismul facil al titlului, ramine importanta consemnarii faptului si efectelor. Noi le stim si n-o sa le mai reiau. "Revolutia" anticipata vizeaza, evident, valul de tineri chinezi care vor veni sa se adauge deja cunoscutilor jucatori aflati in curs de afirmare.
* Canadienii, care deja au dat snookerului un campion mondial ( elegantul CLIFF THORBURN, pe care il mai vedem pe la campionatele de trick-shot ), se intrec in laudele inaltate lui Ding ( "The National Post" ) cu maltezii ( "The Times of Malta" - China’s teenage snooker sensational Ding ). Ceea ce stim, nimic nou - alte superlative.
* Sa revenim la presa britanica : “The Daily Mail” de azi titreaza : Ding is China’s new sporting hero. Corespondentul in China al ziarului nu se zgirceste la adjective si consemneaza faptul ca Ding s-a vadit constient de influenta pozitiva a " mediului" : "The two years I've spent living in the UK have helped me a lot. I probably couldn't have won this tournament if I hadn't been there." Bravo, Ding ! Desi invins prin “whitewash” ( as propune traducerea cuvintului prin “sapuneala”!... ), probabil ca PETER EBDON e incintat ca i s-au recunoscut meritele pedagogico-antrenoriale. Ziarul atinge si problema penibila a obligarii lui Ding la acceptarea wild card-ului, urmare a carei situatii, ( vai, inca acneicul ) tinar a fost privat de cuvenita rasplata pecuniara. Situatie față de care STEPHEN a luat o atitudine usor resentimentara : "But Hendry, who was chasing a 37th ranking title, found it hard to be sympathetic. "It seems harsh on Ding but go and ask the 16 qualifiers who had to play an extra round against the wildcards here what's harsh," Hendry said. Dar si-a mai revenit : "I know it's important to have Chinese players here but I didn't agree with how it was done. But that's history now. He's won the tournament so good luck to him."
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20812 Locație: Snookerland
Trimis: Mar 5 Apr 2005, 14:47 Titlul subiectului: |
Asa, da ! S-au "simtit" maharii. Azi, Xinhua News Agency : BEIJING, Apr. 5 (Xinhuanet) -- Chinese teenager Ding Junhui has been rewarded with 50,000 US dollars plus a luxury apartment for his historic win at last week's China Open. The reward was presented by local snooker manufacturer Star at a ceremony here on Monday with a view of making up for his ineligibility forthe prize money of the tournament due to his wildcard status. Ding pulled out of the qualifiers after being invited into the tournament as a wildcard in order to ensure he could play in his native country. But his win has been hailed all over the country as a historic breakthrough for the sport in China. "His success is a milestone for the Chinese snooker, "said Li Gaochao, a senior official in charge of the sport in China.
_________________ Laureată a Premiului Oscue - German Masters 2018, German Masters 2019, Masters 2022
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. ++ Fulton Sheen
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Smaranda Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 332
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20812 Locație: Snookerland
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Mrs. Hendry Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 20/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 2360 Locație: pool hall
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Clara White Administrator
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 20812 Locație: Snookerland
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Smaranda Addicted to snooker
Data înscrierii: 21/Noi/2004 Mesaje: 332
Trimis: Mie 13 Apr 2005, 21:38 Titlul subiectului: |
Si nu-i asa ca o sa fiti atat de dragute incat sa ne amuzati si pe noi cu el?
_________________ Score one-four-seven... Snooker heaven!
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